Rey is an award winning image maker with vast experience throughout the U.S. and abroad. His photography covers a broad range of subjects while always seeking to remain in the “moment.” Rey firmly believes that moments and situations define themselves. The preservation of a moment or series of moments defines his work.
As a self taught photographer, Rey has always displayed great patience while allowing things to simply evolve. Functioning beyond a safety net has always appealed to him and as a result has allowed him to problem solve on the spot when it’s been called for. One constant observation from clients and peers is that he can simply disappear and be unobtrusive during key moments. He will more often than not state that many of his most dynamic images are simply gifts. The gift photo is the one that he just happened to be nearby for and also just happened to be ready for as well. Whether his images convey a sense of human spirit or the essence of the natural world they always display what is before him in its truest form.
His list of clients include Amtrak, U.S. Surgical, BICC Group of London, Balfour Beatty, Major League Baseball, Xerox, Special Olympics, Globe Photos, The Image Bank, Columbia Records, MCA, Sony Music, Primerica, Yale New Haven Hospital, The Leahy Clinic, IBM, Marriot Corporation, Conde Nast, The National Park Service, American Airlines, ATA, Agfa Gaveart, Pratt & Whitney, U.S. Congress, Democratic National Party, Republican National Party, Sotheby’s, Hyatt, Four Seasons, Tiffany’s, Red Cross and numerous publications.
This web site contains the work of photographer Rey Alvarado. Currently, there are 5 galleries set up for your perusal: Cuba, Nature, Out and About, Egypt, and Music. If you would like to purchase a print of any of these works, please contact Rey directly using the contact form on this site. Please specify the size of the print you would like, the number of copies, and the image number. The image number can be found by clicking any image on the web site.
No images may be manually downloaded from this web site. Images may not be copied, reused, redisplayed, or incorporated into derivative works without the written permission of Rey Alvarado. All images on this web site are © Rey Alvarado. All rights reserved.